
Students and employers at UNH Career Fair Event


Career and Professional Success connects employers to talented and hardworking students from all majors and degree levels for employment, internships and recruiting opportunities

Hire at UNH

detail of wildcat statue

Handshake for Employers

A free and effective portal to advertise opportunities


employer at campus recruitment event

Recruiting Opportunities

Recruit students through virtual interviews and events, and increase your organization's brand awareness


student at career event

Diversity and Inclusion

Learn how UNH elevates our employer partners who hire with inclusivity, diversity, and equity in mind


Image of Students and Employers meeting at the UNH Career and Internship Fair at the Whittemore Center


Developed to make the student and employer experience secure and streamlined


Recent Success Stories

  • Richard Haynes, director of admissions, recruitment and access at the University of New H a.m.pshire, attended a Feb. 21 TRIO Day event led by the New H a.m.pshire Educational Opportunity Association (NHEOA) assuming his only role would be as keynote speaker. He left the celebration as a celebrated honoree.
  • Nine UNH students earned the chance to see and study in different parts of the world as recipients of the Benj a.m.in A. Gilman International Scholarship during the recent fall cycle. The students will be making the trek to landing spots that include France, Italy, New Zealand and Japan.
  • The University of New H a.m.pshire announced the creation of the Lonza Scholars Progr a.m. with Lonza Biologics, Inc. This new collaboration is designed to enhance educational and career opportunities in the life sciences industry for certain UNH students.
  • UNH retained its R1 classification for highest research activity from the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, the organization announced today, securing its spot a.m.ong the nation’s most productive research universities. “UNH stands out for its robust research enterprise and steadfast focus on bringing ideas to impact,” UNH President Elizabeth S. Chilton said. “The R1 classification highlights the strength and innovation of our research community to funders, students and the people of New H a.m.pshire.” Designation as an R1 university, which UNH first achieved in 2019, indicates to federal and state agencies, private foundations and philanthropists, business and industry that UNH has the capacity to conduct high-quality research and education. It also boosts efforts...
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